Monday, August 6, 2007

Coping With Stress

What happened to me yesterday (8/5/07) was indeed very stressful. (See )

How does one manage stress?

Here are some tips on coping with stress from the University of Connecticut Health Department (Source: ):

Coping Strategies:

Be realistic: Set limits. Say no to extra responsibility or activities if feeling overwhelmed.
Stop being a superhero: No one is perfect so don’t expect that from yourself or others. What really needs to get done? Is a deadline realistic? Ask for help when needed.

Take one thing at a time: When feeling overwhelmed by many tasks, pick one urgent task. Complete one task before moving onto another.

Be flexible: Arguments can lead to more stress. Try to come to an understanding with others. They will usually meet you half way.

Go easy on the criticism: Expectations for self and others can be too high, setting people up to fail.

Share feelings: Stay in touch with people! Friends can provide a sounding board, show support and provide guidance.

Other coping strategies include: Journal writing, art therapy, humor, behavior modification, creative problem solving, time management, social/support groups, spiritual support, cognitive restructuring, choice theory, etc.

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