Tuesday, November 25, 2008

IWSGC 2009: 2nd International Winter School in Grid Computing

Website: http://www.iceage-eu.org/iwsgc09/index.cfm

24 November 2008
Application for International Winter School in Grid Computing 2009 is now open!

:: About the school

Inspired by ongoing success of International Summer School for Grid Computing (ISSGC), the Winter School provides the best of both worlds: proven curriculum and tutelage from the famous International Summer School and the flexibility of studying in online medium. Comparable in commitment and scope with the Summer School, the International Winter School in Grid Computing provides a unique online educational opportunity. Rigorous both in admission requirements and expected work commitment, IWSGC retains the majority of learner benefits from ISSGC while offering a high degree of flexibility.

The School will boost students' capabilities for research and innovation through the use of Summer School lectures, high-profile keynote speakers invited especially for the occasion, forum and chat discussions and tutorials. These activities will be delivered by leading authorities in the fields of advanced grid technology, applications of e-Science and distributed systems research.
The School will be held fully online from Monday 16th February 2009 to Monday 30th March 2009. Pre-course exercises will open from Monday 15th December 2008 until Thursday 22nd January 2009."

:: A day at the school

Participants need to devote 20 hours per week over the duration of the event. The recommended scheduling is 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday. If they miss a part of the course, participants can make up during week-ends (until Monday 9:00 GMT). IWSGC09 consists of 8 live online events and synchronous work in between. In order to successfully complete the course, participants are obliged to attend at least 5 live events in their full duration.
Tutoring is provided during week-days, i.e. Monday to Friday. In order to get the most benefit from the course, participants are strongly recommended to devote the majority of their time during this period. Total participant workload: 100 hours (4 hours per work day during five weeks) time dedicated to preparatory exercises (highly depending on participant background).

Target Participants

We invite applications from enthusiastic and ambitious researchers who have recently started or are about to start working on Grid projects. Students may come from any country.
They may be planning to pioneer or enable new forms of e-Infrastructure, to engage in fundamental distributed systems research or to develop new methods in any discipline that depends on the emerging capabilities of e-Infrastructure.

We expect participants from computer science, computational science and any application discipline. The School will assume that students have diverse backgrounds and build on that diversity. However, in order to participate fully in the practical exercises you should be a confident programmer who will have fulfilled certain prerequisites."

:: Contacts

For further information please contact iwsgc@lists.nesc.ac.uk


Note: Thanks to Allan Espinosa for forwarding this information to me. Raffy Saldaña.

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